Happy Kids Are Well-Behaved Kids

Happy Kids Are Well-Behaved Kids

My son is almost eight, and I am aware of how much he changes in a few months time. I work hard to adjust how I interact and what lessons I teach him based on new traits that develop or shifts that I witness in his development. One of the recent conversations that we...
Kids, Medical Procedures, and Play Therapy

Kids, Medical Procedures, and Play Therapy

Most of the time, parents come into my office because their child’s behavior is concerning. Typically, this is emotional, social, or behavioral in nature. However, it is interesting how many parents, when discussing the history and background of their children, bring...
Acknowledging Your Child’s Feelings

Acknowledging Your Child’s Feelings

As I have mentioned before, I am constantly aware of kids’ behavior, parent-child interactions, and the dynamics of families. Even on vacation, when I try to take off my child therapist hat in favor of one that blocks the sun as I lounge by the pool, I can’t escape...
Empowering Kids to Do Great Things

Empowering Kids to Do Great Things

We all want to make sure that our kids feel confident, brave, self-assured, and empowered to do anything that they want to. This is true for right now in childhood, but also in preparation for the future as adults. But, sometimes those positive messages are overrun by...
Helping Kids to Control Their Emotions

Helping Kids to Control Their Emotions

Staying in control of our emotions and not letting them control us is a challenge. Let’s face it – many adults still haven’t figured it out, yet we expect our kids to! Emotional regulation and self-control are learned behaviors that require teaching,...