Birth Order

As discussed in the January 1 newsletter, birth order plays a significant role in family dynamics and personality. Birth order affects every person, and is often a topic that is neglected when looking at the behaviors and characteristics of children (and adults)....

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Memorable Holidays with your Kids

The holidays can be very busy and stressful times for you and your families. Often the focus becomes gifts and events, rather than special times with your families and loved ones. Unfortunately, children's senses are filled with messages that scream "Buy me"! However,...

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Childhood Stress

Childhood stress is a very real and significant concern. The busier and more dynamic families become, the greater the potential for children to become anxious and stressed. Children as young as two can experience stress from separation from their parents. As children...

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Limit Setting

Limit Setting

Limit Setting can be very effective for giving children the ability to make good choices and understand the consequences for their wrong behavior. Children learn that they are in control, and rather than being told what to do, they are allowed to make guided decisions...

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Developmental Stages

Parents often are not aware of where their child is developmentally, and how that affects the life and behavior of their child. In an effort to fully understand the biological, emotional, psychological and physical changes that are taking place, here are some...

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Every child responds differently to discipline. Some children are naturally more defiant and require more creative strategies, while others obey with very little effort. The key to effective discipline is finding a good fit between the child's personality &...

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Make Playtime a Priority!

There are many reasons to consider creating a specific time each week set aside solely for the purpose of play with your children. The benefits stretch into many areas, and it allows you to enjoy time with your family. Children often beg for time from their parents...

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Choice Theory

Choice Theory

Children are often defiant and parents find it very frustrating and difficult to get children to obey without resorting to a battle of the wills. Choice Theory allows for parents to completely eliminate arguments with children about compliance, while encouraging...

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Encouragement vs. Praise

The differences between encouragement and praise have become more widely noted in recent years, and studies have shown there is a long-lasting effect of each/ This article contains examples and information to expand your understanding of the topic, why encouragement...

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